Thursday, July 17, 2008

Fences by August Wilson

Back/Inside Cover:
In the powerful, stunning dramatic work that won August Wilson his first Pullitzer Prize, Troy Maxson has gone through life in a country where to be proud and black was to face pressures that could crush a man, body and soul. But the 1950s are yielding to the new spirit of liberation int he 1960s. It's a spirit that is making him a stranger, angry and afraid, in a world he never knew and to a wife and son he understands less and less.

My Thoughts: (Read for school/sophomore year)
If you dislike reading plays, this isn't for you. If you don't like reading about history, this isn't for you. If you like a quick, simple read, this isn't for you. If you like action, this IS NOT FOR YOU! If you like boring, boring, boring stores, THIS IS FOR YOU!!
I absolutely cannot stand this book! I'm sorry, but I found this book to be a difficult read because I couldn't become captivated in the story. I didn't relate to one character in the book, and I didn't like the story line, whatever it was. I didn't like this book at all.

Reccommendations for...:
I pretty much covered that above lol.

Price, genre, publisher, info:
US $12
CAN $17
A Plume Book

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